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Bandar Penawar, Kota Tinggi, Johor Bahru, Malaysia
de'enidas is the combination of our group members. ekin,nel,ika,dilla,ani and suraya.we are the students of INSTEDT in diploma office management. we are required to this blog to complete the assignment that have been given to us.this is our task from subject CSC 134 taught by miss nor azleen. we have decided to choose the topic of foods. so, lets enjoy our blog! ;)

What is food

Author: de'enidas // Category:
Source : http://tiki.oneworld.net/food/food1.html

Everyone knows that. You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t. Tiki's foodFor me, it’s very simple: food is fish. I just love fish (especially eating them!). I wonder what your favourite food is? Let me guess… hamburgers? Ice cream? Candy bars? Well that’s probably more likely than raw carrots or garlic.

your favorite??

So anyway, what exactly is food? Let’s look at what it’s made of.Tiki digs for info on food

Food (which really includes many types of drinks too – like milk shakes and cola – but not water) is made up of nutrients. These are the things which give you energy or help build up your body as you grow.

Maybe you already know what the most important Big Three nutrients are:

protein proteins which you find in meat, fish, beans and stuff

carbohydrates – sugar is one and you find others in bread, cereals and vegetables

fat – I guess you know what that is. You find it in fried foods, cheese, butter, margarine and oils

Almost all the food you eat has some of the Big Three in it. But there are other things too which you need to eat in much smaller amounts. They are vitamins and minerals. You need small amounts of both.

I’m sure you know about vitamins. There are quite a few and most of them have letters: vitamins A, B, C, D and E.


And minerals? One is salt. Other important ones are calcium and iron.

Anything else? Well yes. Scientists have discovered that all kinds of other things in fresh fruit and vegetables are very useful in helping stay healthy. This is part of the reason why it’s a good idea for people to eat lots of these foods. They contain useful things like flavonoids as well as lots of vitamins. They also have stuff in them that people can’t digest very well called fibre (so do grains like oats) which turn out to be useful too because they help prevent nasty diseases like cancer.

Chocolate Ice Cream

Author: de'enidas // Category:


Chocolate Ice Cream Equipment

For this recipe you will need:

Ice Cream Maker (any brand)

Sauce Pan (make sure it will hold 2 quarts)

Measuring cups

Measuring spoons



Chocolate Ice Cream Ingredients

This recipe calls for:

1/3 Cup of Heresy's Unsweetened Chocolate Cocoa Powder

1 1/2 Cups of sugar

1 Can Evaporated Milk 

2 Cups whipping cream

1 Teaspoon real vanilla extract

First Step: Mixing Cocoa and Sugar

Mix together in your sauce pan: 

1/3 Cup of Heresy's Unsweetened Chocolate Cocoa Powder

1 1/2 Cups of sugar

Second Step: No Lumps

Once you have finished mixing the cocoa powder and sugar together, take a spatula and press the mixture against the side of the pan. This will help remove any lumps of cocoa powder, or sugar. Once you are done this your mixture should look like the picture to the left

Third Step: Adding Evaporated Milk

Add in the Can of Evaporated milk and stir it in with the cocoa sugar powder

Fourth Step: Heating

Now put the mixture on the a stove burner set on medium heat. Then stir the mixture constantly until all of the powder is dissolved into the evaporated milk. Remove it from the burner and place it in the refrigerator until it is at least room temperature if not colder.

Fifth Step: Mixing

Once your mixture is room temperature, or colder Mix in the:

2 Cups whipping cream

1 Teaspoon real vanilla extract 

Sixth Step: Unfrozen Chocolate Ice Cream

Make sure that you mix it well enough that there are no large chunks. Continue to stir until all chunks are gone.

Step Seven: Freezing Chocolate Ice Cream

Put the ice cream in your ice cream maker. This ice cream recipe takes longer than most to freeze. It took our ice cream maker a little over 35 minutes.

Cherry Ice Cream Recipe

Author: de'enidas // Category:


Cherry Ice Cream Equipment

For this Ice Cream you will need: 

Ice cream maker

blender, or food processor 

2 bowls 

Measuring cups

Measuring spoons 

whisk, or spoon  


Cherry Ice Cream Ingredients

2 cups frozen fresh sweet cherries

2 eggs 

1 1/4 cup sugar 

1 1/2 cup half-and-half

1/4 teaspoon vanilla 

1 cup whipping cream

This chunky mixture will be added at the end:

1 cup chopped cherries

2/3 cup chopped Hershey Chocolate Bar (the chunks should be about 1/2 inch each)

1/4 cup roasted walnuts, if you don't know how to roast walnuts it is simply done in the microwave. If you need instructions visit My Home Cooking's Roasting Walnuts Page. 

First Step: Pureeing Cherries

Take the 2 cups of cherries and put them into your food processor, or blender. The result should be a pasty like substance. Then pour them into a bowl and place them in the refrigerator until the fourth step.

Second Step: Eggs

Whip your two eggs. The object of this step is to beat them into submission. If they are not sufficiently beaten, you will have egg chunks in your ice cream and that would not be too appetizing. 

Third Step: Stirring Mixture

Add to you obliterated eggs:

1 1/4 cup sugar 

1 1/2 cup half-and-half

1/4 teaspoon vanilla 

1 cup whipping cream

Fourth Step: Cherry Ice Cream

Add the 2 cups of blended cherries to your mixture and then stir. Then put your ice cream mixture into your ice cream maker. It takes our machine 25 minutes to completely freeze the ice cream, but yours may take less than this. 

After your ice cream has finished freezing add the chunks of cherries, roasted walnuts and chocolate chunks into the ice cream. If your ice cream is too soft pack it in a container and let it ripen in the freezer for a few hours. 

Strawberry Ice Cream Recipe

Author: de'enidas // Category:


Strawberry Ice Cream Equipment

Ice cream maker, any brand should be fine 

Food-processor or Blender 

2 mixing bowls

Measuring spoons

Measuring cups

Spoon, or whisk

Strawberry Ice Cream Ingredients

2 cups half-and-half

1 cup whipping cream

1 1/4 cup sugar 

2 eggs 

1/4 teaspoon vanilla 

3 cups strawberries 

Hint: Your ice cream will freeze quicker if you use fresh frozen strawberries. Start with fresh strawberries and freeze them yourself.

First Step: Strawberries

A food-processor works best for this step, but if you don't have one a blender will work also. Put your 3 cups of strawberries into the food-processor and puree them until no chunks of strawberry are visible. Then place them aside in a bowl for the third step.

Second Step: Whipping Eggs

Take the 2 eggs and whip them until they are as blended and pulverized as possible, and look like the picture to the left.

Third Step: Stirring

Now add to the eggs:

2 cups Half-and-half

1 cup whipping cream

1 1/4 cup sugar 

1/4 teaspoon vanilla

Forth Step: Adding Strawberries

Now add your pureed strawberries and mix them in until they look like the picture to the left. Then prepare your machine and pour your mixture in. Now turn the machine on, or if you have a crank machine, start cranking.

Fifth Step: Strawberry Ice Cream

Once your ice cream has been in the machine for around 25 minutes it should be done. It should look something like the picture to the left. Scoop it out into a container and put it in the freezer. It will become less like soft serve the longer you leave it in the freezer. If you like soft serve ice cream you can eat it right out of the machine. 

If your ice cream comes out soupy, or like a milk shake this means that your ice cream maker's cylinder is not cold enough. If this happens make sure that your cylinder has been in the freezer for the required amount of time, that your freezer is set on its coldest setting, and finally that you start with cold ingredients. You can even start with the fruit frozen. If your ice cream is still soupy pack it in a container and put it in the freezer for a few hours and it should become hard. 

6 more reasons to love ice cream

Author: de'enidas // Category:

Natural Health, Jan, 2004 by Kathleen Doheny

1.  Maintaining weight loss

2.  Taking the squeeze off arteries

3.  Reducing cancer risk

4.  Soothing PMS

5.  Preventing kidney stones

6.  Calcium consciousness

Quiz: Do you know the health benefits of ice cream?

Author: de'enidas // Category:

09:49 AM CDT on Monday, May 26, 2008

McClatchy Newspapers 

Sometimes just thinking about a scoop of Chunky Monkey or Cherry Garcia ice cream can get you through the day. But wait a minute. Do you know what's filling up that cone in your hand? Here's a quiz to find out. 

True or false? 

1. Ice cream is a good source of calcium. 

2. In general, less expensive ice cream has less fat. 

3 Federal standards require that anything labeled ice cream must be made with a minimum of 10 percent cream, milk or butter fat. 

4. Ice cream is low in protein. 

5. Usually low-fat ice cream and low-fat ices are lower in calories. 

6. Ice milk is about 6 percent fat and 50 percent air. 

7. Fruit ices are about 200 calories per cup. 

8. Low-fat frozen yogurts may be lower in fat, but they are usually higher in sugar than regular ice cream. 

9. A half-cup serving of fat-free frozen yogurt with artificial sweetener has more than 100 calories. 

10. Just a sugar cone without ice cream has 60 calories, and a chocolate-dipped waffle cone has more than 200 calories. 

SOURCE: Reader's Digest Foods That Harm, Foods That Heal (Reader's Digest Association Inc., $10.95). 


1. True; 2. True; 3. True; 4. False; 5. False; 

6. True; 7. True; 8. True; 9. False; 10. True

Health Benefits of Durian 85

Author: de'enidas // Category:

By len7288

Health Benefits:

Durian is extremely nutritious because it is rich in vitamin B, C and E and with high iron content.

Eating durian is alleged to restore the health of ailing humans and animals. 

A preparation from its roots and leaves is prescribed by traditional doctors for fevers and jaundice.

Decoctions of the leaves and fruits are applied to swellings and skin diseases.

Durian fruit helps lower cholesterol.

Durian is a strong blood cleanser. 

The ash of the burned rind is taken after childbirth. 

Durian contains high levels of the amino acid tryptophan, known to alleviate anxiety, depression, and insomnia, and create feelings of happiness, by raising levels of serotonin in the brain. 

Durian contains high level of soft protein which makes it a good muscle builder. 

Durian has a reputation as a powerful aphrodisiac.

Durian is recommended as a good source of raw fats.

Author: de'enidas // Category:

April 21, 2008 by Tommy Fassbender

Papaya Contains Antioxidants

One of the benefits of eating papaya is that it helps to prevent cancer. Papaya is a rich source of antioxidants that the body needs to fight against cancer-causing cells. Vitamin C, E and beta-carotenes are antioxidants that prevent all kinds of cancers. So adding a daily serving of papaya to your diet may lessen your risk of developing cancer.

Papaya is Used to Treat Digestive Disorders

Papaya is a great source of proteolytic enzymes that are very important in digesting food. The most important of these proteolytic enzymes found in papaya is papain. Papain breaks down proteins in food, allowing for better digestion. Papain is used in prescription of digestive enzymes to treat individuals with cystic fibrosis or pancreatic conditions; producing for them what the body cannot produce naturally. Eating papaya is also a benefit because papain taken orally treats less serious digestion disorders such as bloating and chronic indigestion. In these cases papain is extracted, dried and sold as tablets.

Papaya Boosts Male Virility

Another great benefit of papaya is to boost male virility. Papaya contains an enzyme called arginine which is known in the medically community to boost blood flow around the penis. Arginine boosts nitric acid in the body to relax the muscles surrounding the blood vessels tat supply the penis. These blood vessels then dilate and increase blood flow. A more concentrated form of arginine is used to treat erectile dysfunction.

Papaya Prevents Premature Aging

Many alternative medical practitioners believe that one of the benefits of papaya is to control premature aging. Papaya helps the body to properly digest food and when the body digests all the nutrients it needs, the body will remain vital for a long time.

Papaya is Used as a Cleanser

Taking a quarter pint (150ml) of papaya juice, cucumber juice and green bean juice in alternating hours for 12 hours can be a benefit to your colon. These juices work as potent natural cleansers when combined. Papaya is also rich in fiber, which travels through the body and binds itself to cancer-causing toxins in the colon. The fiber in papaya flushes out the toxins in the colon and so one of the benefits of papaya is that it helps prevent colon cancer especially, due to its antioxidants and its fiber content.

Papaya Prevents Heart Attacks and Strokes

The antioxidants in papaya prevent cholesterol from oxidizing. When cholesterol becomes oxidized it forms plaque in the blood vessel walls that can eventually build up and cause a heart attack or stroke. Also, fiber is known to lower cholesterol. The fiber in papaya converts a substance called homocysteine into harmless amino acids that the body can process, but without the breakdown, homocysteine can eventually damage blood vessel walls, causing strokes or heart attacks.

Papaya Treats Inflammation

Papain and chymopapain, protein-digestive enzymes found in papaya lowers inflammation and improve healing from burns. Papain breaks down the inactive proteins in the skin, removing dead tissue from burns. This benefits the body as it helps heal skin injuries, relieves psoriasis, removes warts, treats ringworms and cold sores. Also vitamins C, E and beta carotenes are good at reducing inflammation and as such these nutrients are used to treat asthma, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis among many other inflammatory ailments.

14 Banana Health Benefits You Might Not Know About

Author: de'enidas // Category:

By Chad Hagy
Published October 11, 2007

A Banana a Day…

Instead of eating an apple each day for optimum health, the adage should state that a banana each day keeps the doctor away. The banana health benefits far outweigh those of the apple because it has many more vitamins and nutrients than their round counterparts. Bananas have two times as many carbohydrates as an apple, five times as much Vitamin A and iron and three times as much phosphorus. In addition, bananas are also rich in potassium and natural sugars. All of these factors combined make the banana a “super food” that is an integral part of a healthy daily regimen.

Bananas Provide Energy

Because of the abundance of vitamins and minerals, bananas are a great source of natural energy. Eating only two bananas will give you enough energy to exercise or workout for an hour and a half. Bananas are also ideal for eating during that midday lull when you feel tired and sluggish.Instead of drinking caffeine or having a sugary snack, bananas provide a level of energy that lasts longer without the dramatic crash caused by caffeine.

Potassium is Vital for Performance

Because they are rich in potassium, bananas help the body’s circulatory system deliver oxygen to the brain. This also helps maintain a regular heartbeat and a proper balance of water in the body. Potassium is also helpful for reducing strokes and regulating blood pressure because of the way it promotes circulatory health.

Bananas Promote Bowel Health

One of the banana health benefits is that they can help stop constipation. Bananas have a certain type of fiber that helps to restore and maintain regular bowel functions. Instead of using laxatives that might have chemicals or other synthetic substances, bananas are a natural source for lessening the effects of constipation without causing other bowel problems such as diarrhea.

Bananas Can Lift Your Spirits

Bananas have a chemical called tryptophan – the same chemical that turkey contains. This mood regulating substance contains a level of protein that helps the mind relax so you feel happier. According to Bananasaver.com, people suffering from depression often report feeling better after eating a banana.

Eat a Banana during Your Monthly Visitor

Instead of taking pills designed to reduce your menstrual pains, bananas can be a great help. As stated on Bananasaver.com, bananas have a level of vitamin B6 that helps to regulate blood glucose level and help your overall mood.

Increase Your Brain Power with Bananas

In addition to banana health benefits, they can also help you with your mind. Bananasaver.com discusses a study with 200 students who were asked to eat one banana three times a day - breakfast, recess and lunchtime – along with their normal meals. What they found was that the potassium in the bananas boosted their brainpower and made them more alert during their classes while they followed the regimen.

Eat Bananas after a Night of Partying

The natural ingredients in bananas and their ability to replenish the body’s vitamins make them an ideal way to reduce the effects of a hangover. Put a couple bananas in the blender with some plain yogurt and add some honey to sweeten the taste. The fruit tends to calm the stomach and the honey helps to restore the blood sugar levels to normal.Similarly, bananas can help people who are trying to quit smoking. The B vitamins and other minerals that they contain reduce the physical and psychological effects of nicotine withdrawal.

Bananas are Great for Pregnant Women

Because of their calming properties, pregnant women often eat bananas to combat their morning sickness. In addition, they also help to replenish the body and restore a healthy blood glucose level. In addition, they also help regulate a pregnant woman’s temperature, although this is mostly used in other cultures that rely more heavily on natural cures.

Rub the Peel on Mosquito Bites

Before you throw those peels away, rubbing the inside of it along a mosquito bite will help reduce the itching and swelling that is normally associated with these types of bites. You might even find that it works better than the creams or medications you find at the drugstore.

Bananas Help Soothe Ulcers

As a way to prevent and treat ulcers, bananas help to reduce the acidity that some foods can leave in the stomach. They help reduce the irritation of the digestive system by leaving a protective coating around the inner walls, making it a natural way to promote intestinal health as well.Since they help to neutralize acidity, they are also a great way to get rid of heartburn. They act as a natural antacid and they quickly soothe the burn.

Bananas are Rich in Iron

For people suffering from a deficiency in iron, bananas help to give your body the iron that it needs. As a result, they help promote hemoglobin production so your blood can clot faster in case of a cut or serious injury.

Banana Peels are Good Fertilizer

Bananas can also benefit your garden. Instead of throwing the peels away, banana peels are ideal fertilizer for gardens and soils. Rose bushes benefit a great deal from the peels. If you have a certain plant that you want to blossom, simply bury a few peels next to it by the roots. In a few weeks, the plant will be huge.

Peels Can Be Used to Treat Warts

The outside of the banana peel also has healing and beneficial properties for the human body. If you have a wart on your foot, wrapping a banana peel around your foot so that the exterior of the peel rubs against the wart will help it go away in a matter of time. To keep the peel in place, you can wrap tape around it for better results.

Ouh Chocolate! ;)

Author: de'enidas // Category:

many of the girls outside there loves chocolate very much.
some of them scared of eating it because they afraid to be fat..some people said that chocolate can make out a pimple..


did u know that chocolate also give us many benefit..
some of them are:::

1. chocolate are an instant energy boosters. They are good combo of nutrients, proteins and vitamins.
2. the nutritional constituents chocolate also contain flavonals (antioxidants also present in apples, onions, and peanut)
3. in fact a 50 mg bar of dark chocolate is equivalent to six apples, and seven onions in its flavonaid content.
4. chocolate contain some natural substances that can help in fighting against heart diseases and other related circulatory disorders!
5. chocolate also generate the feeling of attraction and raises your excitement level..

Banana Muffin

Author: de'enidas // Category:

* 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
* 1 teaspoon baking soda
* 1 teaspoon baking powder
* 1/2 teaspoon salt
* 3 bananas, mashed
* 3/4 cup white sugar
* 1 egg, lightly beaten
* 1/3 cup butter, melted
* 1/3 cup packed brown sugar
* 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
* 1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon
* 1 tablespoon butter


1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Lightly grease 10 muffin cups, or line with muffin papers.

2. In a large bowl, mix together 1 1/2 cups flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt. In another bowl, beat together bananas, sugar, egg and melted butter. Stir the banana mixture into the flour mixture just until moistened. Spoon batter into prepared muffin cups.

3. In a small bowl, mix together brown sugar, 2 tablespoons flour and cinnamon. Cut in 1 tablespoon butter until mixture resembles coarse cornmeal. Sprinkle topping over muffins.

4. Bake in preheated oven for 18 to 20 minutes, until a toothpick inserted into center of a muffin comes out clean.

Lemon Cheesecake

Author: de'enidas // Category:

Serves 8-10

1 1/4 cup graham cracker crumbs
4 Tbs. ground walnuts
1/2 cup butter, melted
2 Tbs. sugar
1 tsp. ground lemon peel

1 1/2 pounds cream cheese, softened
1 cup sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
3 tsp. lemon juice
1 tsp. ground lemon peel
4 eggs

2 eggs
3/4 Cup sugar
1 tsp. grated orange rind
1 tsp. grated lemon rind
1/4 Cup lemon juice
2 Tbs. orange juice
2 Tbs. butter

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Combine crumbs, nuts, sugar and lemon peel. Stir in butter until thoroughly blended. Press mixture firmly against bottom of 9" spring-form pan. Bake at 350 degrees F for 10 minutes.

In a large bowl beat cream cheese until creamy. At medium speed add sugar gradually, then vanilla, lemon juice, and lemon peel. Blend well.

Add eggs, one at a time and beat at medium speed for ten minutes, until fluffy. Pour into spring-form pan.

Bake at 325 F. for 45 minutes or until cheesecake is set. Turn off heat and cool for 30 minutes in the oven with the door ajar.

While cheesecake is baking, whisk eggs in a small saucepan until foamy.
Combine with sugar, rind, juices & butter in saucepan. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly until smooth & thickened. Cool.

Just before serving, spread evenly over cheesecake.


Author: de'enidas // Category:
FULL NAME => Siti Nuratikah Binti Anwar


AGE => 19

DOB => 24 Mei 1990 / Hospital Sultanah Aminah Johor

STAY OF PLACE => Mersing, Johor

HOBBY => Play internet and Reading

COURSE => Office Management and Technology a.k.a OM




Author: de'enidas // Category:

stay at jaybee
was born on 16 oct in Batu Pahat
currently stdying in INSTEDT
in dip office mgt

like to read.read and read
only certain book..;)
having a dream to get dekan in semester 3,4 and 5..


Author: de'enidas // Category:
FULL NAME : Nurul Fadillah Bte Md.Amin



HOME: Pasir Gudang, JB.


BIRTHDAY: 26 July 1990


FAVOURITE FOOD: Nasi pataya n nasi beriyani


Author: de'enidas // Category:

Nama Panggilan : NieL

  • Menetap: Johor bahru
  • Suka:
  1. kekasih yang satu maha pencipta
  2. keluarga tercinta
  3. kuda
  4. rakan seperjuangan
  5. bersukan
  6. makan
  7. tidur yang penting sekali
  8. ringkas
  9. kasut,pakaian
  10. arnab
  11. mathematic
  12. nak jadi pilot
  13. kereta
  14. bengkel kereta
  15. tolong mama
  16. ekin,eqin,temah,cma,qyqy,illi,fast,su,nadia,kak syafawati,fara kelate,
  17. mini cooper
  18. savvy putih
  19. Buick Riviera concept
  20. secret recipe,kfc,mcd,pH
  21. choc cream chip starbucks
  • Tak suka
  1. kucing dekat kaki
  2. penipu
  3. kerja berlambak
  4. sakit
  5. ubat
  6. kelas pagi
  7. latihan pagi
  8. gigi besi
  9. orang sedawe
  10. orang tak kenang budi
  11. mencarut sengaja atau tidak
  12. ikut orang 'shopping'
  13. kesesakan lalu lintas
  14. bangun sahur
  15. jadi kuli
  16. mat rempit, mat lepak,mat casanova
  17. stress,tention
  18. minyak kereta drop
  19. tak cukup tidur
  20. meeting,ceramah ouh no no
  21. betulkan paip


Author: de'enidas // Category:
Nama Panggilan : Ekin


Author: de'enidas // Category:

  • Full Name: Siti Rahmah Binti Mohd Redzuan
  • Nick Name: Anie
  • Date of Birth: 08 March 1990
  • Hometown: Pasir Gudang, Johor Bahru
  • Study at: Institut Sains dan Teknologi Darul Takzim